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Oil & Gas Safety Awards Update

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We promised we would keep you updated on our progress at the annual Offshore Safety Awards, in which we were one of three finalists in the Innovation in Safety category, with Baker Hughes and Total E&P UK Ltd being the other two.  Sadly, we were not the chosen winners on the day, with Baker Hughes scooping the award, but we were extremely delighted to have been shortlisted alongside two such major international oil and gas players.

The Awards, which were organised by Oil and Gas UK and were held at the AECC, had a new format this year.  Each of the finalists had to submit a short 90-second video explaining what they and their product were all about.  These were played to the audience, who then had the opportunity to visit and chat to each of the finalists at their category stand before casting their vote for the winner.  

This approach gave us an exciting opportunity to showcase our LIGHTPATH™ concept to a largely new audience, away from our current focus on saturation diving within the North Sea.  In recent years, we have been targeting primarily the subsea sector, using our LIGHTPATH™ technology to illuminate saturation diver umbilicals, enhancing safety and productivity for all parties, including the individual diver, colleagues in the water, the bell-man and giving confidence to the ROV pilot as to the location of diver umbilicals.

At the Awards, we met with a wide range of people from different aspects of the oil and gas industry and discussed opportunities to trial LIGHTPATH™ in a variety of service and maintenance situations that would benefit in terms of safety, improved efficiency and cost reduction.  These included operating in confined space and fuel tank inspection in both vessel and subsea maintenance. 

The new approach recently adopted by PSL to rent kit was also seen as an opportunity to address project specific requirements for which PSL can tailor LIGHTPATH™ to perform the task.

The Awards event confirmed that safety is still recognised as the overriding priority for organisations, more so when operating in time of efficiency demands and pressure on costs. This is reassuring as PSL is confident that the appropriate adoption of LIGHTPATH™ will significantly contribute supporting both safety and cost efficiencies. As such, PSL will continue to develop and produce innovative, cost effective technology in line with industry requirements to help improve safety across the sector.    

Don Walker, Director

Winner of the Subsea UK Innovation for Safety Award 2014

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